Autres contacts...
Documents d'Artistes PACA
Documentation and diffusion of the activity of visual artists from Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur. Artists in the field of contemporary art.
Documentation et diffusion de l'activité des artistes visuels de Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur. Artistes dans le champ de l'art contemporain.
Friche la Belle de Mai
Bureau 1 X 6
1er étage des magasins
Fr- 13331 Marseille Cedex 3
+33 (0)495049540
Pobeda Gallery - Moscow
(Gallery closed- represented between 2013 and 2016)
Red Square, 3
Moscow 109012
Dear Gallery - Porto
(Gallery Closed - represented between 2013 and 2016)
Rua do Almada, 331
Porto, Portugal
Rutger Brandt gallery - Amsterdam
(Represented between 2009 and 2012)
Bethaniënstraat 39
1012 BZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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