Toute ma peau a une âme II - D'après la peinture italienne
Inspired by Saint Agatha, Andrea Vaccaro, c.1635
Model: Léa Garrivet
Inspired by The deposition, Jacopo Pontormo, c. 1528
Models: Emeline Gitton-Pereira, Emma Dessiaume, Léa Garrivet, Manon Goulard, Thémis Valencourt, Juliette Holmgren, Julie Lempereur
Inspired by Saint Agatha
Model: Zoé Reniaut
Inspired by Death of the Virgin, Caravaggio, 1605-1606
Models: Coraline Colladant, Yuna Alias, Raphaël Bourlon, Louis Tournet, Zoé Barbou des Places, Laura Caraviello, Adam Walkin
Inspired by Judith beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi, 1620
Models : Coline Chauveau, Enzo Raimond-Faure, Roméo Noizet-Melin
Inspired by The deposition, Jacopo Pontormo, c. 1528
Models: Emilie Vidal, Lou Luguet, Lola Darnault, Théo Olivier, Loula Ledoux, Eva Gangard, Elea Savary, Louis Francisco Gras y Plassard, Anne Savi
Inspired by Death of the Virgin, Caravaggio, 1605-1606
Models: Coraline Colladant,Yuna Alias, Raphaël Bourlon, Louis Tournet,Laura Caraviello, Valentine Lemoine, Adam Walkin, Lina Callerand,Emma Patrigeon
Inspired by The deposition, Caravaggio, 1602-1604
Models: Païkan Besson, Naomie Legrand, Laura Chartrel, Elisa Chartrel, Amélie Travers, Flavie Bernet-Texier
Inspired by Saint Agatha, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa aka Il Gattopardo
Model: Eva Da Maia
Inspired by Judith beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi, 1620
Models : Loula Ledoux, Lou Luguet, Théo Olivier
Inspired by Saint Agatha, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa aka Il Gattopardo
Model: Eizad Bello
Inspired by Death of the Virgin, Caravaggio, 1605-1606
Models: Hugo Aufragne, Timoé Grall Dubois, Jean-Michel Grégoire, Païkan Besson, Luca Murtas, Rayan Murtas, Léna Mouroux Pinto Dos Santos, Coline Chauveau
Inspired by The deposition, Caravaggio, 1602-1604
Models: Selma Sengouga, Isaure Poincet, Maelys Lefort, Pauline Millet, Coraline Colladant, Zoé Reniaut
Inspired by Judith beheading Holofernes, Caravaggio, 1598-1599
Models: Emilie Vidal, Laureline Manta, Théo Olivier
Inspired by Saint Agatha, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa aka Il Gattopardo
Model: Céleste Contart
Inspired by Death of the Virgin, Caravaggio, 1605-1606
Models: Léa Garrivet, Julie Lempereur, Emma Dessiaume, Juliette Holmgren, Manon Goulard
An order by Pass Culture for photographic studio stagings from the italian painting.
A project led by Anne Savi with the support of Anne Telyczka et Benjamin Meyniel, the students of Lycée Marguerite de Navarre in Bourges staged themselves to create living paintings. A production by Mireille Loup.
Discover the whole project on our Instagram account portrait_autoportrait
Inspired by Judith beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi, 1620
Models: Léa Garrivet, Emeline Gitton-Pereira, Emma Dessiaume